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===abstract class===
[[PHP interview]]
Can not be Instantiable.(cannot become instant. Can only be inherited)<br>
abstract class Fruit {
private $color;
abstract public function eat()
public function setColor($c) {
  $this->color = $c;
<b>Difference between Abstract Class and Interface</b><br>
Abstract Classes<br>
An abstract class can provide some functionality and leave the rest for derived class<br>
The derived class may or may not override the concrete functions defined in base class<br>
The child class extended from an abstract class should logically be related<br><br>
An interface cannot contain any functionality. It only contains definitions of the methods<br>
The derived class must provide code for all the methods defined in the interface<br>
Completely different and non-related classes can be logically be grouped together using an interface<br>
===Single or Double Quotes?===
//Sometimes people use double quotes in PHP to avoid having to use the period to separate code. For example, you could write:
echo "I have a $color shirt on today<br/>";
//Faster however is not always better. A better way to write this code would be:
echo 'I have a ' .$color. ' shirt on today<br/>';
echo 'I have a $color shirt on today<br/>';
I have a red shirt on today
I have a red shirt on today
I have a $color shirt on today
===Avoid Mysql Injection===
<pre class="php">
$_POST['username'] = 'aidan';
$_POST['password'] = "' OR ''='";
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='{$_POST['username']}' AND password='{$_POST['password']}'";
echo $passwd."<br />";
echo $passwd1."<br />";
echo ($query);
\' OR \'\'=\'
\' OR \'\'=\'
SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='aidan' AND password='' OR ''=''
This would allow anyone to log in without a valid password.
===Static method===
Declaring class properties or methods as static makes them accessible without needing an instantiation of the class.
class Foo
    public static $my_static = 'foo';
    public function staticValue() {
        return self::$my_static;
class Bar extends Foo
    public function fooStatic() {
        return parent::$my_static;
print Foo::$my_static . "\n";
$foo = new Foo();
print $foo->staticValue() . "\n";
print $foo->my_static . "\n";      // Undefined "Property" my_static
print $foo::$my_static . "\n";
$classname = 'Foo';
print $classname::$my_static . "\n"; // As of PHP 5.3.0
print Bar::$my_static . "\n";
$bar = new Bar();
print $bar->fooStatic() . "\n";
==Swap 2 numbers in one line==
==Swap 2 numbers in one line==

Revision as of 23:08, 3 April 2012

Some Translation

n! Multiplicative

Object-oriented programming

Check here Interview_Questions(OOP)

C++ Interview

C++ interview



Algorithm Interview Problems

Algorithm Problems
All about Binary search tree
All about Linked List
Heap & Heap Sort

Regular Expression



PHP interview

Swap 2 numbers in one line

echo $a." and ". $b."\n";
// output 20 and 10
$a^=$b^=$a^=$b; //This has a bug. You cannot do things like this $a^=$a^=$a^=$a
echo $a." and ". $b;
//output 10 and 20

Calculate degree between hour and minute hand

function clockDegree($time){
	echo abs($mDegree-$hdegree);